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Seiko SPT-255 12pl Printhead


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Minimum Quantity: 1 pieces

FOB Price: $578

Seiko SPT-255 12pl Printhead

Printer compatibility:

FY-Union Challenger FY-212H / Challenger FY-2128H, Icontek TW-1804GS / TW-1806GS, WER S3218UV / S3821UV, Synco SP-VS-1015 / SP-VS-1325, XTR UV1313 / UV1325

The Seiko SPT255 12 pl printhead offers high-resolution (720DPI) and high-speed. This original print head is used on grand format digital printers.

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Product Name: Seiko SPT-255 12pl Printhead

Product id:

Unit Price: $578 USD

Unit: 1

Min. Quantity: 1

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