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Minimum Quantity: 1 pieces

FOB Price: $1835

VUTEk QS ASM, Jetpack QS S30 Simrez QS Prod

Technical Specifications
- Drop size: 35pl
- Technology: Binary
- Nozzles: 510 nozzles
- Firing Frequency: 8 kHz
- Active Print Width: 71.8 mm
- Damper: integrated, quick dry break connector

Printer compatibility:

Vutek QS2000 / QS3200 / QS3220 / QS220

This ASM, Jetpack QS S30 Simrez QS Prod is suitable for VUTEk QS series printers. This printhead includes the heating element and the smoothing electronic board. This is the original VUTEk part (number 45076491).

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Product detail

Product Name: Digiprinthed

Product id:

Unit Price: $1835 USD

Unit: 1

Min. Quantity: 1

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