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PV 200 600 ASM, Jetpack PV200 - AA90646


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This printhead is suitable for VUTEk PressVu UV 200/600 printers. This is the original VUTEk part (number AA90646).

- Technology: Piezo Electric
- Max. Resolution: Up to 900dpi
- Cal. Droplet Size: 28 pico litre
- Adj. Range for Droplet Size: 25 - 30 pico litre
- Tot. Amount of Nozzles: 256
- Nozzle Spacing: 254 microns (0.010 in.)
- Nozzle Diameter: 36 microns
- Firing Frequency: 20 kHz
- Operating Temperature: up to 90°C
- Ink Compatibility: Organic solvents, UV curables, Aqueous
For its complete information, please contact email us www.grace-printhead.com

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Product Name: PV 200 600 ASM, Jetpack PV200 - AA90646

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Unit Price: $0 USD


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