Bruce Ge

Daojie Engineering Co., Ltd.

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Galvanized steel Water Tanks


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Galvanized steel Water Tanks

In current use, galvanized water tanks typically use hot-dip galvanizing, a metallurgical Galvanized steel Water Tanksprocess that is used to coat steel or iron with zinc. This is done to prevent galvanic corrosion (specifically rusting) of the ferrous item; while it is accomplished by non-electrochemical means, it serves an electrochemical purpose.

Hot-dip galvanized steel has been effectively used for more than 150 years. The value of hot-dip galvanizing stems from the relative corrosion resistance of zinc, which, under most service conditions, is considerably better than iron and steel. In addition to forming a physical barrier against corrosion, zinc, applied as a hot-dip galvanized coating, cathodically protects exposed steel. Furthermore, galvanizing for protection of iron and steel is favored because of its low cost, the ease of a application, and the extended maintenance-free service that it provides.

Our company is an experienced designer and manufacturer of galvanized water tanks. We recommend galvanized water tanks if you are storing potable water because of the tendency of ungalvanized steel to corrode and contaminate your water supply. Another precaution we take to prevent corrosion is the application of our Trico-Bond EP coating. Applied in the factory instead of in the field, this proprietary coating further protects your stored product, along with reducing the level of maintenance required. The result is more cost-effective, longer-lasting galvanized water tanks.

As the leading provider of galvanized water tanks in the industry, we comply with ISO 9001 Quality Certification. Additionally, our professional engineers stay abreast of all the latest industry specifications to ensure compliance on all our projects. To stay on the leading edge in the tank design and manufacturing industry, we follow a quality improvement process as well as a quality assurance team to ensure we deliver the product and customer service you expect from CTT. From design and materials to project management and erection, let CTT be your first choice in galvanized water tanks.If there is any need please contact us via

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