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Henan More Super Hard Products Co., Ltd

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White Corundum Grinding Cup Wheel, Grinding Dressing Wheel


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Minimum Quantity: 1 pieces

FOB Price: $100

White corundum grinding cup wheels are used for dressing CobornRG9 PCD Tool Grinding Wheels. Grinding wheels for dressing vitrified diamond PCD grinding wheels.
The cup type white corundum grinding wheel, grinding stone is used for surface grinding, internal grinding, cylindrical grinding, centerless grinding, tool grinding, etc.

Dressing vitrified diamond grinding wheel for PCD tools (special PCD grinding wheel for CobornRG9 PCD Grinder)
More Superhard PCD grinding wheels are used for grinding PCD cutting tools, PCBN cutting tools, CVD tools, milling cutter, drill and carbide tool, etc. The grain size of grinding wheel can reach #4000.

Meanwhile, we can also use superabrasive diamond wheel to dressing vitrified diamond PCD grinding wheel.
Advantages Compared with conventional grinding wheel, the diamond grinding wheel, dressing wheel has good shape preserving property.

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Product Name: White Corundum Grinding Cup Wheel, Grinding Dressing Wheel

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Unit Price: $100 USD

Unit: Piece(s)

Min. Quantity: 1

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