Zoe Chen

More SuperHard Products Co., Ltd

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metal bond cutting disc, cutting wheels


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Minimum Quantity: 1 pieces

FOB Price: $1

Alias: name: metal bond cutting wheels
Type: 1A1, 1A1R, 14A1
e-mail: zoe@moresuperhard.com

Metal bond cutting discs have high retaining force , higher wear-resistance and advanced cutting capability and higher stiffness. The metal bond blades can effectively reduce cutting defects like slanted kerf.
Application of metal bond cutting disc

Diamond Cutting Discs are used for grooving and cutting carbide,optics glass, sapphire, ceramics , magnetic materials and semiconductor material .

CBN cutting wheels are used for grooving and cutting tool steel, mould steel, bearing steel,cast iron and other ferrous metal materials.

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Product Name: metal bond cutting disc, cutting wheels

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Unit Price: $1 USD

Unit: 1

Min. Quantity: 1

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