Zoe Chen

More SuperHard Products Co., Ltd

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vacuum brazed diamond core bits


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Minimum Quantity: 1 pieces

FOB Price: $1

More SuperHard offers different size of vacuum brazed diamond core drill for fast and efficient coring & drilling granite, marble, concrete and brick wall, etc
Alias: vacuum brazing core drill bits
application:construction materials coring
E-mail: zoe@moresuperhard.com

More SuperHard vacuum brazed drill bits are made by high grade diamond, brazing technology, instead of laser welding and high frequency welding.
Applications of vacuum brazed diamond core bitsvacuum brazed diamond core bits

More SuperHard offers different size of vacuum brazed diamond core drill for fast and efficient coring and drilling granite, marble, concrete and brick wall, etc

applicable industries include, Air Condition Drill, engineering drill,heavy wall holing ,street lump punch,lampblack machine drill and stair handrail
advantages of vacuum brazed diamond core bits

Excellent cutting speed with a long drilling life compared to electroplated core bits

Energy conservation and environmental protection

wet or dry with cooling slots design for easier core removal when stuck

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Product detail

Product Name: vacuum brazed diamond core bits

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Unit Price: $1 USD

Unit: 1

Min. Quantity: 1

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