Andy Silaban


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Vutek GS Jetpacks Printhead


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Price: US $1,790
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Printer compatibility: VUTEk GS2000 / GS2000 Pro / GS2000LX / GS2000LX Pro / GS3200 / GS3200 Pro / GS3250 / GS3250 Pro / GS3250LX / GS3250LX Pro / GS3250r / GS5000r / QS2 Pro / QS3 Pro
DP part number : PPHVU12817

This ASM, Jetpack Print Head Grey Scale Platinum is suitable for VUTEk GS-series printers. This printhead includes the heating element and the smoothing electronic board. The jetpack also includes a set of two Jet Clamps (part number 45083572 / 45093679 / 45095093) and screws to install and aligne the printheads on the Vutek printer. This is the original VUTEk part (number replacing numbers 45083572 / 45093679 / 45095093 / 45093679). This is the latest upgraded head that comes with the connector.

Technical Specifications
- Drop size: 12pl
- Grey Scale levels: 7
- Nozzles: 508 nozzles
- Firing Frequency: 18 kHz
- Active Print Width: 72 mm
- Damper: integrated, quick dry break connector

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