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Coconut Siamese Fire


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Minimum Quantity: 1 pieces

FOB Price: $1

Coconut Siamese fire is very rare coconut in our country.
Flowering time first after 2 - 2.5 years. Coconut Siamese fire round, small, bright orange, water sweet taste bar.
Especially coconut fungus is long rotten, can be stored longer than the other coconut water in normal conditions. So coconut fire is suitable for export.
Prefer coconut soil with porous texture, nutrient content of highly digestible, soil not too alkaline with pH of 4.8 or above can be planted well. In fertile soil, it is necessary to provide more compost for coconut trees for high productivity and quality.
Trees grow at altitudes below 600m. Precipitation over 1200mm, distributed evenly, with humidity over 75%.
Plants are resistant to drought, waterlogging, salinity and good wind.
Production process: the method of garden selection, selection of parent trees, fruit selection for nursery
Planting distance: 6 x 7m / tree, about 230 trees / hectare
Time for fruit: after 24-30 months
Productivity: seedlings medium reddish average yield of 200-300 fruit / tree / year

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Product Name: Coconut Siamese Fire

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Unit Price: $1 USD

Unit: USD

Min. Quantity: 1

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