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Pickled Ginger, Sushi Ginger


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FOB Price: $1

Ginger has been shown to be a good medicine to help neutralize it, so it helps you resist the feeling of bloating. It also helps fight motion sickness symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and dizziness. More effective than most medications, ginger is a natural remedy when you are trying to reduce stomach discomfort.
In addition, ginger stimulates the heart and blood vessels, helping them work more effectively. Gingerol helps improve blood circulation.
Vinegar has the effect of activating blood, gastric looseness, when soaking with ginger, it has the effect of regulating myocardium, this is the most important characteristic, helping the body to function effectively, digest well and eliminate the disease of anorexia, indigestion, which underlies other body activities.
The best way to eat pickled ginger is in the morning, with breakfast. At that time, the stomach is working, the blood will circulate better, support digestion, accelerate blood circulation, can renew and produce cells.
After 3 days of continuous eating, you can see that there is no stomach reflux, even stomach pain.
If you eat about 20ml soaked vinegar can also help treat arthritis, reduce blood fat. Recommend that people with high blood fat, high blood pressure should use this dish.
Eating vinegar pickled or a spoonful of vinegar water also works to burn fat, burn off fat, filter and excrete waste products from the body. In addition, it is good for the liver, preventing hair loss symptoms, especially when the weather is in season.
Especially, with eyebrow whiskers, pickled ginger is also a natural medicine that strengthens the body, coated it ...

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Product Name: Pickled Ginger, Sushi Ginger

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Unit Price: $1 USD

Unit: 1

Min. Quantity: 1

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