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Minimum Quantity: 1 pieces
FOB Price: $1
Bamboo is a highly renewable resource, and is ideal for kitchen products because it is natural, non-toxic, and durable. Placemats are constructed with round sticks of bamboo. These are similar in construction to sushi rolling mats, and may be used as such. Easy to maintain, just shake off over sink, and wipe with a damp cloth. Dimension: 12.75" X 18.5" Material :Bamboo Color : Bleached nude, natural Origin: Vietnam Telephone: (84.28) 3511 4928 Fax: (84.28) 3511 9559 E-mail: If you have any inquiries please feel free to contact us at: Email: / Website:
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Product detail
Product Name: Bamboo Placemat/Sushi Rolling Mat
Product id:
Unit Price: $1 USD
Unit: box
Min. Quantity: 1
Basket Boat
Price $1
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