Cheryl Zhang

YuanBo Engineering Co., Ltd

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Spiral Wound Gasket – Good Semi-Metallic Sealing in Extreme Environment


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FOB Price: $1000

Spiral Wound Gasket is composed of a steel outer ring, a spiral wound sealing strip filler and a special steel inner ring. It is created by winding alternating strips of metal and filler material.

Outer guide ring is fitted to centralise the gasket between the bolts and to act as a compression limiter. Inner ring is fitted to reduce the gap between the inside diameter of the gasket and the bore of the flange.

It is widely used in moderate to critical services in various industries. They are most suitable for the gaskets subject to extreme temperature or pressure cycling, shock or vibration. These gaskets have the best resistance property when compare with other metal and asbestos type gaskets.


Centering gasket (Style CG). Utilizes an external ring which accurately centers gasket on flange face. It provide an additional radial strength to prevent the gasket blow-out and acts as a compression stop. A general purpose gasket suitable for both flat face and raised face flanges.
Centering gasket with inner ring (Style CGI). This style is similar to style CG, but it additionally consists of an inner ring. The outer ring is used for centering and the internal ring used as an additional compression limiting stop. The internal ring also serves as a barrier to protect the gasket from heat and corrosion.
Reinforced spiral wound gasket (Style R). It is a basic configuration of spiral wound gasket. The Inner and outer diameters are reinforced with several plies of metal without filler to give greater stability and better compression and sealing characteristics.
Reinforced inner ring spiral wound gasket (Style RIR). This style of the gasket, the solid inner metal ring acts as a compression stop and fills the annular space between flange bore and the inside diameter of the gasket. It is designed to prevent accumulation of solids, reduce turbulent flow of process fluids and minimize erosion at flange faces.
Three centering gaskets with black inner ring on a white background.
Style CG spiral wound gasket

A centering gasket with inner ring with yellow outer ring on a transparent background.
Style CGI spiral wound gasket

A reinforce spiral wound gasket on a white background.
Style R spiral wound gasket

Aspiral wound gasket with a solid metal ring on a gray background.
Style RIR spiral wound gasket


Thickness : 0.125", 0.175", 0.25", 0.285"
Lower temperature Rating: -450 °F
Upper temperature Rating: 850 °F
Maximum pressure: 150 psi
PH: 0–14
Class: 150–2500
Pipe size (inch) 150, 300, 400, 600 900, 1500, 2500
ID (inch) OD (inch) ID (inch) OD (inch)
1/4 1/2 7/8 - -
1/2 3/4 1-1/4 3/4 1-1/4
3/4 1 1-9/16 1 1-9/16
1 1-1/4 1-7/8 1-1/4 1-7/8
1-1/4 1-7/8 2-3/8 1-9/16 2-3/8
1-1/2 2-1/8 2-3/4 1-7/8 2-3/4
2 2-3/4 3-3/8 2-5/16 3-3/8
2-1/2 3-1/4 3-7/8 2-3/4 3-7/8
3 4 4-3/4 3-3/4 4-3/4
3-1/2 4-1/2 5-1/4 4-1/8 5-1/4
4 5 5-7/8 4-3/4 5-7/8
4-1/2 5-1/2 6-1/2 5-5/16 6-1/2
5 6-1/8 7 5-13/16 7
6 7-3/16 8-1/4 6-7/8 8-1/4
8 9-3/16 10-3/8 8-3/4 10-1/8
10 11-5/16 12-1/2 10-7/8 12-1/4
12 13-3/8 14-3/4 12-3/4 14-1/2
14 14-5/8 16 14 15-3/4
16 16-5/8 18-1/4 16-1/4 18
18 18-11/16 20-3/4 18-1/4 20-1/2
20 20-11/16 22-3/4 20-1/2 22-1/2
24 24-3/4 27 24-3/4 26-3/4

Durable, easy installation and removal.
Inner ring can help shield sealing elements from erosion caused by abrasive media.
It can adjust to temperature changes, shock, and vibration, and can be used at fairly high temperatures and pressures.
Available in wide ranges of materials for various services.
Chemical resistance.
Extra-long shelf life

Chemical Industry.
Steam systems.
Onshore and offshore exploration.
Pipeline systems.
Pressure vessels.
Power generation.
Oil & gas industry.
Heat exchangers.
Pumps and valves.
The spiral wound gaskets are mounted on the flange of steam system in the factory.
In steam system

A yellow spiral wound gasket in mounted on the pipeline flange by two hands.
In pipeline flange

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Product Name: Spiral Wound Gasket – Good Semi-Metallic Sealing in Extreme Environment

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Unit Price: $1000 USD

Unit: box

Min. Quantity: 1

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