Bette Wong

Nanjing Search Biotech Co.,Ltd

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biological buffer- CHAPS (75621-03-3)


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Minimum Quantity: 1 pieces

FOB Price: $1200

CAS NO: 75621-03-3
Molecular Formula: C32H58N2O7S
Molecular Weight: 614.88
Purity: ?98%
Grade: Ultra Pure Grade
Appearance: White Powde
Application: CHAPS is a non - transgendered ionic detergent used in membrane biochemistry.

It can be used to dissolve membrane proteins and disrupt protein-protein interactions. CHAPS has low micellar molecular weight (6,150) and high critical micelle concentration (6-10mm), so it can be removed from the sample by dialysis. It is also suitable for use in isoelectric focusing and two-dimensional electrophoresis to dissolve proteins. CHAPS is often used in non-transsexual (non-urea) isoelectric focusing, and it has been found that it has excellent resolution for certain subcellular preparation and plant proteins. The concentration is usually between 2 and 4% (w/v) for isoelectric focusing gel.

Storage Conditions: 2-8°C

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Product Name: biological buffer- CHAPS (75621-03-3)

Product id:

Unit Price: $1200 USD

Unit: 1kg

Min. Quantity: 1

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