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PCD slotting mill cutter


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Minimum Quantity: 1 pieces

FOB Price: $1

More Super Hard provides a variety of milling tools, from face milling, shoulder milling, chamfer milling to milling straight and T-slots.Slot milling is a preferred operation for end milling over end milling. A slit or groove may be short or long, closed or open, straight or non-straight?deep or shallow, wide or narrow.
A slotted cutting is used much like a saw to create small grooves and grooves for joinery and biscuits. You can cut grooves on a table saw, but using a slotting knife in a doing planer has certain advantages. For one thing, you'll get the perfect flat cut, which not all saw blades can do. A slotting mill cutter is just a 2-edged end mill for cutting grooves. As the name implies, a larger clearance allows the chip to come out from the back without clogging, and then a groove is cut in the center, which can also be used to cut into a small distance to start cutting in the middle of the material.

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Product Name: PCD slotting mill cutter

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Unit Price: $1 USD

Unit: piece

Min. Quantity: 1

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