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More SuperHard Products Co., Ltd

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From “More Super Hard”, you can get a PCD reamer with high accurate, reliable quality and economic to solve your problems in bores machining. Simple PCD reamers, customized multiblade stepped reamers and on to customer specific special tools are all available.
Features and Advantages of PCD Reamer?
1.The PCD reamers have significantly higher cutting speeds and feed rates.
2.Increased dimensional accuracy and process reliability.
3.Fewer process steps which mean extensive freedom from burrs.
4.Through and blind holes for the integrated expanding screw in the tool point.
5.Optimal coolant delivery to the cutting edges.
6.The PCD reamers can facilitate fast clamping.
7.Ultra-long life of PCD tools.
8.Fewer tool changes which mean the combination of multiple operations in one tool delivers savings on machine costs.
9.Tool cost can be reduced by up to 50 % which means regrinding and reconditioning.

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Product detail

Product Name: PCDReamerForGearoxMountingHoleFinishing

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Unit Price: $1 USD

Unit: piece

Min. Quantity: 1

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