motumal tanumal

Motumal Tanumal ‘Sharbat’ Entrepreneur

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Motumal Tanumal ‘Sharbat’ Entrepreneur


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Minimum Quantity: 1 pieces

FOB Price: $1

Motumal Tanumal now a brand name in ‘Sharbat’ across the country has a loyal following world-over. The colourful racks of the shop resembles a rainbow with ‘Sharbat’ of various colours like bright red, fluorescent green, orange, brown and even off-whitelined on them.

Flavors for Milk, Flavors for Milk or Water, Flavors for Water or Soda, Kesar Pista Juice, Kesar Badam Juice, Fresh Mango Juice, Type of Juice, Summer Fluids, Child Juice, Sharbat across the country

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Product Name: Motumal Tanumal ‘Sharbat’ Entrepreneur

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Unit Price: $1 USD

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Min. Quantity: 1

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