Nitin Kelkar

NK Instruments Pvt. Ltd.

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Pressure Switches


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Pressure Switches are available in two basic categories: Fixed Differential Pressure Switches, Adjustable Differential Pressure Switches, Flameproof Pressure Switches and Digital Pressure Switch.

In any application when the Digital signal is required as soon as the process exceeds the set pressure limit in the Switch (either on rising side or on falling side), the Fixed Differential type Pressure Switches are used. . i.e. as Safety device or, for interlocking purpose Fixed Differential type Switches are used.

In some applications the pressure in the vessel has to be controlled between two limits higher and lower. The switch which has a facility to set the gap between higher set point and the lower, our Adjustable Differential type Pressure Switches are to be used.

We have a wide range coverage from 15 mm Wc up to 600 bar. All these switches are available in IP 40, IP 54, IP 65, IP 66 and flameproof enclosures.

These pressure switches can be provided in pressure housing materials like Aluminium, Brass, MS and SS 316 or, some special material also like Alloy or, Teflon. The sensing element can be in Teflon, Neoprene, SS 316L or, piston.

Pressure Switches can also be provided with 2 SPDT contacts. Fixed Stage Differential type Pressure Switches and Adjustable Differential type Pressure Switches.

All these switches can be provided with varieties of Diaphragm Seals. Using the specific Diaphragm Seals the switch can be used for viscous mediums or, even for hygienic applications.

The Pressure Switches can also be provided with Digital Readout. These Switches can also have have 4 to 20 mA output.

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