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stainless steel rope zoo mesh


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Product id: 06

A monkey is behind a piece of stainless steel knotted rope mesh with a stick in its mouth.
Stainless steel knotted rope mesh is very soft, so it can protect animals from being hurt.

Two ligers are behind stainless steel ferrule rope mesh.
Stainless steel ferrule rope mesh can guarantee the safety of animals and visitors.

A leopard is on a stone which is surrounded by stainless steel ferrule rope mesh.
Stainless steel ferrule rope mesh can ensure the safety of visitors.

Several giraffes are in the place restricted by stainless steel rope mesh.
Stainless steel rope mesh makes visitors watch giraffes at a closer distance.

:A goat is behind a piece of stainless steel ferrule rope mesh.
The openings of stainless steel ferrule rope mesh can be vertical, and they also can be horizontal. And it can protect goat from damage that is from other fierce animals.

A bear is behind a piece of stainless steel ferrule rope mesh.
Stainless steel ferrule rope mesh can protect visitors from being damaged by bears.

:A tiger is behind a piece of stainless steel ferrule rope mesh.
Stainless steel ferrule rope mesh shortens the distance between tiger and visitors.

A monkey is climbing on the stainless steel ferrule rope mesh.
Stainless steel ferrule rope mesh makes the monkey play happily.

A tiger is in a cylindrical frame which is made of stainless steel knotted rope mesh and in the high position of zoo.
Stainless steel knotted rope mesh of high position makes visitors watch the tiger from different angles.

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Product Name: stainless steel rope zoo mesh

Product id: 06

Unit Price: $0 USD


Min. Quantity: 0

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