Quyen Luu

Viet Delta Corrporation

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Coconut Peat


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Minimum Quantity: 1 pieces

FOB Price: $1


- Block Dimension 30 x 30 x 13/15 cm (±10%)
- Block Weight: 4.5 to 5 kg (±10%)
- EC: ? 1 dS/m (1:1.5 v/v method, reconstituted)
- pH: 5.5 to 6.5
- Break out Volume ?60 litres
- Fiber Content ? 5 %
- Water Holding Capacity ?70%
- Supplied on pallets of 250 blocks weighing 1,200kg
- Totally organic and eco-friendly
- High water holding capacity (>70% WHC) and moisture retention requires less frequent watering
- Easily re-wets
- Improved aeration and microbiological activity – contains natural enzymes, humus and plant nutrients
- Improved fertiliser uptake / nutrient use efficiency – holds water and nutrients and provides them as required
- Produces more fibrous and much stronger root growth
- Reduces soil temperature
- Resistant to bacterial, weed, fungal growth, and is truly pathogen free
- No disposal costs (unlike for rockwool) as the product can be used as a soil conditioner after use
Please, contact us at email: info@vdelta.com.vn
Website: Coconutvietnam.com.vn

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Product detail

Product Name: Coconut Peat

Product id:

Unit Price: $1 USD

Unit: box

Min. Quantity: 1

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