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Coconut Shells


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Minimum Quantity: 1 pieces

FOB Price: $1

- General information: Coconut shell is the strongest part covered in coconut fruit. Coconut shell is located in between the coconut flesh and coconut husk. This shell is naturally created to protect the inner part of coconut. This is shell is use to produce various handicraft applies and other applications. Most of handmade decorative are created by using coconut shell due to their strength.Coconut shells are also used to made charcoal which is use as fuel and this coconut charcoals are far better than other charcoals.
- Usage:
. Used as raw material for shell charcoal, activated carbon and shell flour
. Used as fuel for boilers, furnace
. Used as an ingredient for laminated sheets and mosquito coils

- Used for:
. Household items (bowls, hookahs,frameā€¦)
. Fuel for cooking; long-burning
. Aquariums

Please, feel free and contact us if you have any enquiries , at e-mail: info@vdelta.com.vn
Website: coconutvietnam.com.vn

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Product detail

Product Name: Coconut Shells

Product id:

Unit Price: $1 USD

Unit: box

Min. Quantity: 1

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