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Hengshui Laike Chemical Products Co., Ltd.

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Nickel Plating Brightener


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Nickel plating is becoming more and more popular in modern society. The nickel plating coating has high hardness, so it can improve the products surface abrasion resistance. It is often used as protective and decorative coating of steel, zinc die castings, aluminum alloys and copper alloys. It can protect the base materials from corrosion, and it is often used as the intermediate coating of other coatings. The corrosion resistance property is better and the appearance is more beautiful. Succinonitrile is often used as nickel plating brightener. The nickel plating brightener, also called nickel plating additive, is a kind of commonly used efficient additive of nickel plating solution. It can improve the brightness and binding force of coating significantly. And it can improve the stability of nickel plating solution greatly. Besides, it can prolong the nickel plating solution service cycle. So it can reduce the production cost and improve the production quality. A nickel plated silver ring terminal. Nickel plating brightener makes the ring terminal have bright appearance. Three nickel plated zinc die castings are on the floor. Nickel plating can protect the zinc die castings from corrosion, and the brightener makes them bright.

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