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Succinic Acid


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Succinic Acid Used to Synthesize Many Kinds of Medicine
Succinonitrile is often used in organic synthesis to make organic substance, such as succinic acid. Succinic acid, also called amber acid, is colorless crystal. It is soluble in water, and it is slightly soluble in alcohol, ether, acetone and glycerinum. It is inflammable meeting open fire or high fever.

A heap of white crystals.
Succinic acid crystals.

The structural formula of succinic acid.
Succinic acid structural formula.

Details of succinic acid:
Molecular formula: C4H6O4.
Molecular weight: 118.09 g/mol.
Melting point: 185°C.
Boiling point: 235°C.
Succinic acid can be used as aseptic, PH regulator and cosolvent.
It can be used to synthesize antidote, diuretic, sedative, styptic and synthetic antibiotics.
It is used as the ingredient of detergent, soap and demulsifier.
It is used to manufacture five heterocyclic compounds, such as succinic anhydride.
A person is taking the pills out of a bottle.
Succinic acid can be used to make sedative.

A blue bottle of detergent and several pieces of folded washcloth.
Succinic acid can be used as the ingredient of detergent, which makes clothes and washcloth clean.

A cake of pink soap.
Succinic acid can be used as the ingredient of soap, which is used to wash hands.

A heap of white crystal solid is on the floor.
Succinic acid can be used to make five heterocyclic compounds, like succinic anhydride.

The matters need to attention about the succinic acid transportation and storage:
Store the products in the special warehouses which are shaded, dry and well-ventilated.
Keep the products away from fire and heat sources.
Store the products separately with oxidants, reducing agent and alkali.
Equip with fire equipment. And the storage area should be equipped with suitable material to gather the leakage.
Avoid damaging the product packages in the process of transportation.

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Product Name: Succinic Acid

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